Volume 48, Issue 2 Vol. 48, 2024/2 - pagesPages 211 to 242The moral economy of obesity surgery: continuing stigma or lasting destigmatisation?By Yann Beldame, Sylvain Ferez, Anne Marcellini, Laurent PaccaudPages 243 to 273Stigmatization in a French Educational (Closed) Facility – A Goffmanesque analysisBy Christophe DargèrePages 274 to 280Introduction. The weakness of law according to Sally F. MooreBy Elisa Gicquiaud, Julien LarreguePages 281 to 311Law and social change: The semi-autonomous social field as an appropriate subject of studyBy Sally Falk MoorePages 313 to 325Durkheim and the sociology of crime: The discovery of a course from 1892-1893By Philippe RobertPages 326 to 328Terms of publication