Volume 47, Issue 2 Gender and prison normativitiesVol. 47, 2023/2 - pagesPages 157 to 181IntroductionBy Diane Bernard, Marie-Sophie DevressePages 183 to 210“Situational” homosexuality in prison: a category for the benefit of the heterosexual order?By Jean-Sébastien BlancPages 211 to 242Women in prison in a French-speaking Belgian prison: reducing invisibility to uncover vulnerabilities.By Valentine Doffiny, Sophie AndréPages 243 to 281Women in Belgian prisons: a minority and devalued status.By Olivia Nederlandt, Lola GauthierPages 283 to 317Beyond binary bars: the experiences and care of detained transgender people in Belgium.By Aurore Vanliefde, Davo MarasPages 319 to 354Getting hit on in jail: Investigating relationships in the gendered carceral order.By Chloé Branders, Lola Gauthier