Volume 47, Issue 1 Special issue Gender and prison normativitiesVol. 47, 2023/1 - pagesPages 3 to 34Co-Production of Knowledge on Drug Use and Reduction of Epistemic InjusticeBy Marie Jauffret-Roustide, Marie DebrusPages 35 to 63A Well-Ordered Charity. The Rhetoric of Accessibility in Disability Policies as an Instrument of the Social Status QuoBy Romuald Bodin, Étienne DouatPages 65 to 90“Radical” Religious Conversion, From a Quest for Meaning to Rediscovered PurityBy Djamel Bentrar, Omar ZannaPages 91 to 120Supervising Young People’s Sexuality: the non-Prescribed Work of Prison Guards in Juvenile PrisonsBy Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy, Benoît Coquard, Arthur VuattouxPages 121 to 149Work on Desistance: Extending the Examination of Pathways of Change to Strengthen Support for Exit TrajectoriesBy Valerian Benazeth