Gated Communities, Perceptions of Socio-spatial (Dis)Order, and (Mis)Trust of the State: The Case of Metropolitan Lisbon

Special Report
By Rita Raposo, Diogo Cotta

This paper discusses the phenomenon of gated communities and their socio-spatial production. This paper describes this phenomenon and analyzes its main links with the modern and post-modern “conditions” and the political issue. Then, it analyzes the specific case of gated communities in greater Lisbon and discusses the results of an opinion survey of residents of gated communities. This survey covered the topics of socio-spatial (dis)order (including the issues of security and the provision of other public goods, of governance, planning, etc.) and their (dis)trust in the state concerning the management and solution of potential problems.


  • Gated communities
  • public/private
  • residents
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