Security Coproduction: A New Form of State Intervention for Better Public Security?
Festive events attracting large crowds are becoming more common throughout France. Therefore, it has become essential to understand how to accommodate large crowds on relatively short notice while minimizing risks. Such events are good examples of the new distribution of power between the state and private organizations with regard to security and safety on the local level. Fewer than ten years ago, this role was played exclusively by police officers at sporting events, yet this is no longer the case. With regard to cultural events, in 30 years, we have gone from a “disorganization” to an organization of private actors. Henceforth, crowds are forming in private areas at events organized privately with more or less involvement from the public authorities. Now, the question is to consider the need for coordination between private and public actors at such events, even if there is no guarantee that such partnerships would lead to improved security and safety for the public.