The Evolution of the Juvenile Justice System in Spain
The present Spanish law on juvenile justice follows the line drawn by the former legislation. And it is in accordance with the laws in the European countries and with the Convention of the United Nations for the Children’s Rights. From their point of view, the principle of the best interest of the child is seen as a perspective of interpretation of childrens’ rights. At the same time that the law bets on the dejudiciarisation as an alternative to the judicial procedure, on the judicial measures different from the imprisonment and on the responsabilitation of the minor instead of their punishment. However the daily practice proves the processes of superjudiciarisation through the dejudiciarisation’s one, the use of imprisonment as the only possible measure for the terrorism crimes, as well as the total control of the processes that are able to convert a child into a danger for the society. Are we speaking about children’s protection or about society’s protection?