Volume 41, Issue 4 Vol. 41, 2017/4 - pagesPages 511 to 540Struggling with Challenges of Today’s Youth: Non-medical Use of Prescription Drugs among Young PeopleBy Maitena Milhet, Emmanuel LangloisPages 541 to 565Actuarial Techniques in Foucault’s Toolbox? An « offbeat » Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice System Allowing Counter-conductsBy Thibaut SlingeneyerPages 566 to 592Between Saying and Doing (or not Doing). Recruiters and the Making of Discrimination According to the Physical AppearanceBy Oumaya Hidri Neys, Julie DuflosPages 593 to 619The Biography of a GeneBy Martin Dufresne, Dominique RobertPages 620 to 655Motherhood in the Challenging from PrisonBy Ípek Merçil