Volume 41, Issue 2 Vol. 41, 2017/2 - pagesPages 167 to 201Biosocial Criminology through the Lens of Field Theory. The Resources and Strategies Used in a Dominated Field of US CriminologyBy Julien LarreguePages 203 to 237Political Conflict, Violence and Denunciation: Women as “Protagonists of Resentment” in the North-east of BrazilBy Irlys Alencar Firmo BarreiraPages 239 to 271The Evolution of Municipal Police forces in France: An Imitation of State Police Doomed to Failure?By Laurent MucchielliPages 273 to 304Limited Diversity. Young People from the Working Classes and Citizenship Education in “Politique de la ville” AreasBy Sylvain BordiecPages 305 to 330Humiliation on the Internet: A New Form of Cyberdelinquency?By Julie Alev Dilmaç