Volume 40, Issue 3 Genocide and Reconciliation in Rwanda: 20 Years LaterVol. 40, 2016/3 - pagesPages 251 to 272Fear of Crime and its Variation: Towards an Analysis of Individual DifferencesBy Julien NoblePages 273 to 304Between Victimisation and the Police, the Victim as an Underestimated Social ActorBy Philippe Robert, Renée Zauberman, Fadoua JouwahriPages 305 to 307IntroductionBy Yves Cartuyvels, Olivier PayePages 309 to 326The Risks of Idealizing ReconciliationBy Valérie RosouxPages 327 to 345« At first it is reconciliation with oneself »By Jana SchildtPages 347 to 368Strategic Game and Altruistic Empathy in Post-Gacaca Reconciliation ProcessBy Masengesho Kamuzinzi