Volume 39, Issue 3 Vol. 39, 2015/3 - pagesPages 247 to 266The Drop-outs who Cling on to and Engage with l’Épide. Description of a ProvisionBy Joël ZaffranPages 267 to 294Ownership of the Logs Used by Police PersonnelBy Frédéric OcqueteauPages 295 to 319Security Guards of the City of Paris: In Search of Legitimacy in Order MaintenanceBy Jacques de Maillard, Mathieu Zagrodzki, Valerian Benazeth, Floriane ZaslavskyPages 321 to 341Doctors and Motherhood at the Beginning of the 20th Century in FranceBy Mariette Le DenPages 343 to 364Fear of Crime in Public TransportBy Julien Noble