Volume 36, Issue 3 The Criminal Justice System and the (de)Responsilization of its PractitionersVol. 36, 2012/3 - pagesPages 235 to 241The Criminal Justice System and the (De-)Responsibilization of Its PersonnelBy Bastien Quirion, Manon Jendly, Marion VacheretPages 243 to 262Performance, Transparency, and Accountability: A (De-)Responsibilization Formula for Professionals Working in PrisonsBy Manon JendlyPages 263 to 276Responsibilization and De-responsibilization in the Treatment of Sex Offenders in BelgiumBy Christophe AdamPages 277 to 289“I’m not necessarily recognized without my robe.”By Françoise VanhammePages 291 to 309The Excluded, the Pretenders, and the Supporters: The Subjects Responsible for Criminal JusticeBy Dawn Moore, Hideyuki HiraiPages 311 to 323Active Investment in Sentencing and Extension of ResponsibilityBy Marie-Sophie DevressePages 325 to 338Does the Commercialization of Security Increase the Responsibilities of Individuals or Companies?By Massimiliano MulonePages 339 to 355Reforming, Rehabilitating, or Giving Inmates More ResponsibilityBy Bastien Quirion