Volume 34, Issue 3 Vol. 34, 2010/3 - pagesPages 299 to 324Prison Work Programs: Poverty, Flexibility, and PrecariousnessBy Florence DufauxPages 325 to 346From Obligation to ResourceBy Cédric Moreau de BellaingPages 347 to 379Competition for the “Good Cases”: Convergence of Police Interests and Organisational Objectives in the Judicial PoliceBy François DedieuPages 381 to 400Child Pornography Newsgroups: A Deviant SubcultureBy Patrice CorriveauPages 401 to 424Belgian Judges and the (Non)Implementation of Prison SentencesBy Kristel Beyens, Clémence Françoise, Veerle ScheirsPages 425 to 446Stigmatization of Sex Work and Worker Identity among Female Sex WorkersBy Jacqueline ComtePages 447 to 470Video Surveillance in High SchoolsBy Tanguy Le Goff