Volume 31, Issue 3 Vol. 31, 2007/3 - pagesPages 235 to 256Grasping mass violence: Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and the contribution of a local perspective and a network approachBy Samuel TannerPages 257 to 281Are Police Ethics Soluble in the Contingencies of Routine Work?By Alain Marc, Martin GrégoirePages 283 to 303The Homeless in France and Construction of a Local Order: Fluidity in Assigned Identity and Normalization of SpacesBy Bruno DomingoPages 305 to 330The Addict Mother: At the Crossroad of Norms and SanctionsBy Laurence Simmat-DurandPages 331 to 360Violence, Alcohol, Cannabis, and Depression among French YouthBy Hugues Lagrange, Stéphane Legleye