Volume 29, Issue 4 Vol. 29, 2005/4 - pagesPages 379 to 397Assessing the Risk of Recidivism in the Canadian Correctional System: Perspectives on the Limits of the SystemBy Marion Vacheret, Marie-Marthe CousineauPages 399 to 422Innovation and Growing Complexity in Criminal JusticeBy Jean-François CauchiePages 423 to 443Recovering from Drug Addiction in the Era of Risk ReductionBy Maria Caiata ZuffereyPages 445 to 461Salvation by SportBy William Gasparini, Sandrine KnobéPages 463 to 485The Psychosocial Work of Placing Children in Foster HomesBy Michel GiraudPages 487 to 500Juvenile Criminal Law in Greece: Between Change and ReformBy Théodore Papathéodorou